Avoid Refined Sugar: Refine sugar stimulate the pancreas and as a result it speed up aging process.Many people find that eating more sugar will contribute to acne and overall complexion so try to avoid eating more refined sugar.
Drink More water:It's always forget to drink water especially in winter season when the atmosphere is quite cool.Normal body contain around 90% of water and that is why we require more water to keep our skin healthy.So to keep your skin healthy drink more water.
Go for a Workout: If we do exercise regularly our body start producing a liquid called endorphins which yields natural glow of our skin. sweating during exercise is also helpful to improve look of your skin.
Eat Oil Riched Foods: Foods rich in healthy oils nourishes a cell and also help in healing the skin. We should have to eat Oil Ruched Foods such as hemp seeds,coconut oil, eggs, avocado etc.
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