Moisturiser is mainly use to protect the dry skin.but it will also help to improve skin tone and texture. They act as a temporary barrier and hold water in the outermost layer of the skin and allowed to repair damaged surface cells.It normally contain humectants and emollients as a main ingredients. Selecting Moisturiser is very crucial one as it depends upon many factor such as age, skin type and a specific condition like acne.
Dry Skin : If your skin is dry and want to restore moisture to dry skin. Go for oil based
moisture that contain propylene glycol.It is very powerful as it will preventing water from
evoporating from skin.
Normal skin : normal skin is Neither too dry nor too oily. For such skin go for oild based moisturiser which will give light and greasy feel.These moisturier generally contain silicone-derived ingredients.
Oily Skin : This type of skin is more prone to acne. though oily it requires moisture specially after using any cosmetics product because normally many cosmetics product remove water from skin and dry out the skin. purchase oil free and water based
light moistriser.
Sensitive Skin : If your skin is very sensitive dont use moisturiser which contain potential allergens such as fragrances or dyes.Use specially designed Moisturiser for
sensitive skin.
Mature Skin: As you age, your skin become dry it is because of oil-producing glands become less active. For such skin use oil based moisturiser which has a petrolatum as the base along with lactic acid. This will help to hold the moisture and prevent dry skin.
If moisturiser is not improve your skin. I would advise to go to dermatologist.He or she will give you a proper personalized skin-care plan.
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